Getting Organized for the Holidays

December 11, 2016

Overwhelmed by a neverending to-do list?  Have anxiety over trying to find the perfect gifts for everyone you care for?  Doubting you can accomplish everything you need to do and still be able to actually enjoy the holidays?

Before you retreat to bed, pull the covers over your head, and hide out until Spring, check out these simple yet effective organization tips to help you accomplish all you would like to do this holiday season!

1.  Make a Holiday plan.  Think about what you truly want to get out of your holiday season.  What do you want to do?  How do you want to feel?  By taking a few minutes to visualize what you'd like your holiday to look and feel like, you can help prioritize the important things and put the non-essential stuff to the side.

It's definitely okay to let some of the small stuff go.  Prioritize the things that are going to make you (and any holiday guests) feel happy about celebrating the holidays.  If you're running low on time, skip the things that aren't likely to contribute much to the celebration.  Try to focus on the overall big picture, and you're much more likely to keep your sanity.

2.  Lists, lists, and more lists!  The holiday season can be hectic, but tackling one item at a time will make it feel manageable.  Make a list of the things you want to do by the end of the year.  For example: Take holiday photos, send holiday cards, order desserts, buy secret santa gift, make arrangements for holiday parties.  This list can also be in the form of an easy to read calendar, which will allow you to visualize both your to-do list and the timeline very clearly.  Start checking the items off one by one and voila!  You will see, and feel, holiday progress!

3.  Let giftYou help organize and take care of your shopping list.  You'll be able to figure out what to get everyone you care for in a fraction of the time, and can easily click over to the online retailers to make your purchases.  It's like giving yourself a gift, too!  You won't miss the stress of searching for the perfect gifts, because you'll have everyone's wish lists right at your fingertips.  Login to giftYou, and get your shopping done from the comfort of your own fuzzy robe!

4.  Don't let holiday clutter clutter the fun!  Try a filing cabinet (or box) to organize your never ending receipts and paperwork.  It will be helpful to have one file where you can quickly add holiday receipts (just in case anything was defective or needs to be returned).  This can help eliminate any stress finding them later.  The filing box is also helpful for those holiday recipes and lists of people you are sending cards to.

So, you've organized your to-do list, placed the most important things at the top, shopped online, filed away the receipts, stopped worrying about the small stuff, and focused on what matters the most to you and your family.

What's next?  Taking the time to enjoy your loved ones!  Sit back, and soak in all the love (and beautiful chaos) of the holiday season.